This is for the woman who is feeling like her own self worth is holding her back from fully living in her power. It's time for a SOLAR PLEXUS wake up call!






Let's get in there and amplify your center of radiance and strengthen your I AM center so you feel confident and ready to conquer your mission and vision in life.

Get Started

Stop. Holding. Back.


The last few years have catapulted so many into a freeze state. One that has had you question your mission, burn everything down and rebirth to build again and it's offered space and time to rediscover who you are. 

Now is the time, the invitation to shout from the roof tops what your heart truly desires. 

This is your call forward- to rise, to sing, to dance your way through the hearts of those you are meant to support, heal and offer your magic to. 

You are WORTHY of joy, power, passion, expression and claiming the fullness of YOU.



Why Activate The Power Of The Solar Plexus?

The Solar Plexus Chakra, your radiant center of power, is the key to unlocking your inner lioness and owning the fullness of YOU. Nestled in your core, this energetic powerhouse governs your self-worth, confidence, and personal strength. When awakened, it ignites a fierce, bold energy that propels you to break free from limitations and live life fully AWAKE.

In Sanskrit, the Solar Plexus Chakra is called "Manipura," which translates to "City of Gems." This name reflects the chakra’s qualities of brilliance, clarity, and personal empowerment.

The Core of Confidence:

The Solar Plexus is linked to self-esteem and confidence. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra can help you feel more self-assured and capable of tackling challenges with courage.

Digestive Dynamo:

Physically, the Solar Plexus is associated with the digestive system. A balanced chakra can improve digestion and metabolism, helping you feel more energized and vital.

Fear To Courage:

This chakra is connected to the fire element, symbolizing transformation, energy, and passion. Just like fire can transform materials, a balanced Solar Plexus can transform fear into courage and hesitation into action.

Mind-Body Clarity:

Balancing the Solar Plexus can improve your mental clarity and focus. It's often linked to feelings of empowerment and the ability to make decisions confidently.

Emotional Empowerment:

An open and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra enables you to express emotions healthily and assertively, helping you set boundaries and communicate effectively.

Natural Protector:

In martial arts, the Solar Plexus is a vital point for both protection and power, often emphasized in techniques and exercises designed to strengthen core energy and focus.


The solar plexus allows you to embrace the courage to express your true self and step into the spotlight with unapologetic confidence...



Week 1:

Awaken Your Inner Lioness

  • Unleashing Your Solar Plexus Power:
    • Discover the wild, radiant energy of the Solar Plexus.
    • Explore the signs of a roaring vs. dimmed Solar Plexus.
  • Breaking the Chains:
    • Dive into personal blocks and barriers holding you back.
    • Uncover the opportunities in your life to take responsibility and ownership over your circumstances and desires.
  • Fierce Awakening Process:
    • A guided journey/process to ignite the fierce power within.

Week 2:

Embody Bold Bravery

  • Roar With Confidence:
    • Power-packed movements and actions to build the muscle of your solar plexus for unstoppable confidence.
    • Visualization techniques to see yourself as a bold, radiant force.
  • Vanquishing Fear:
    • Identifying and conquering fears that stifle your roar.
    • Activating the quantum field to clear the old and claim the now.
  • Expressive Exercises:
    • Playful role-playing to practice your fierce, confident voice.


Week 3:

Unleash Your Wild Expression

  • Voicing Your Truth:
    • Exercises to help you boldly speak your truth and needs.
    • Techniques for fearless communication and assertiveness.
  • Creative Roar:
    • Unleash your wild creativity through art, writing, and movement.
    • Celebrate and share your unique, bold stories and achievements.
  • Visionary Meditation:
    • Process to envision yourself living out loud and breaking the mold.

Week 4:

Embody Your Fierce Power

  • Crafting Your Lioness Path:
    • Design a potent personal empowerment plan to sustain your roar.
    • Develop daily or weekly rituals to keep your Solar Plexus ablaze.
  • Building Your Pride:
    • Identify your tribe and support network to amplify your power.
    • Share wild resources and tools for ongoing fierce living.
  • Celebration of Radiance:
    • Celebrate your bold transformation and fierce achievements.
    • Powerful process to ground in your lioness light.
Claim My Lioness Light

So You're In, Right?


Are you ready to claim your bold, radiant confidence so you can overcome fear and live life unapologetically?


Are you ready to move through life with wild and honest expression so you can fully claim the abundance and impact you desire?


Are you ready to nurture your inner strength and resilience to navigate life's challenges with grace and tenacity?


Are you ready to connect with your fierce energy and embody qualities of leadership, passion and purpose?



This is Your Time!

 4 Powerful LIVE Masterclass/Sessions

  • 4 Powerful Weeks to claim your LIONESS LIGHT & be fully expressed as you activate your solar plexus
  • Telegram Support Thread to keep accountability, celebrations & lean in
  • Exercises, Processes & Activations to activate your Lioness Light
  • Feel radiant confidence like never before & results that will speak for them selves


Ignite Your Solar Plexus Power.

Price doubles soon!

Get in now. 


Elyse Falzone

Body Soul Intuitive, Spiritual Mentor & Master Retreat Facilitaor

My journey started as a young child, seeing and feeling things that were BEYOND this physical world. 

My whole childhood, I went through this dance of welcoming the magic and being terrified of it. Slowly, and through MANY health challenges, I was invited to lean into my  body for my own healing. 

I began learning about body cues and how intelligent these precious bodies are. 

My intuition came online, BIG TIME and I have been teaching and holding space and supporting others in their own healing and claiming their Sovereignty for over 10 years now. 

Through the exploration of DNA upgrades, the unlocking of quantum potentials, activating sacred sound and movement in the body and deepening the understanding the cycles of death and rebirth, I assist you in cultivating alchemy and harmony in your everyday life and holds sacred space for you to unravel and emerge, reborn into your truest self.

And trust me, I've had to work through my own imitations and breaking through that barrier of self expression and living a BOLD & BEAUTIFUL life!


Get Started Now